When you are addicted to pain, a bond of love can form with the person who inflicts it.
Unlike Ellie, James is new to the scene, he is visiting William, the sadist linking the two...
Ellie, unbeknown to James is already in the house, recovering from a sadistic caning. William has a plan for them both to meet but why?
They meet in the coming days and later Ellie invites James's home and a torrid night of love is shared but then - silence...... why?
Then after a period of weeks, a tragic bombshell explodes which explains everything, particularly why James and Ellie were meant to meet...
A hot steamy page turner from the pen of Sadie Stern A sadistic love story....
To find out more and seek answers to a tragic end for Ellie, subscribe to Texshirebooks.com/contact.
An excerpt;
‘Come in James, you’re not early, my female client is a bit upset, and she needs a few minutes to compose herself. I’ll show you to the waiting area. You know I try to ensure my clients never meet.’ James looked up at me somewhat surprised.
‘Female client? You have women visit you?’ He asked looking rather shocked.
‘Well, yes. Why not? You have your needs and desires, why should women be any different.’ He merely shrugged and followed me down the hallway to a room where I stepped back to allow him to enter. ‘I must lock you in until she has gone. I’ve had the occasional client who will not obey instructions and will insist on seeing who has visited. No offence, I hope you don’t mind.’ Again, he shrugged. I took that to mean acquiescence. ‘Thank you, I won’t keep you.’ I closed the door using a simple thumb turn, so no risk of losing keys. I moved further down to a door on the opposite side and on entry Ellie, still naked but covering her breasts, stood sobbing.
‘I have my next client, Ellie; you look terribly upset. Would you like to go upstairs and lie down on my bed. I don’t think you are in the right shape to leave. I’ll be a couple of hours, then I’ll come up and see how you are? I can even drive you home?’ Ellie looked up at me with her elfin face which usually broke into a winning smile, enhanced by her huge appealing smile. Ellie was tiny, under five feet. Her hair was short and cut like a boy might style his hair. That was where any male resemblance ended. Her breasts were well formed but not from having children; she was in her early thirties. Her life wasn’t happy, which was why she needed to visit me. I collected up her clothes and led her to the stairs, standing behind her as she ascended. She had a very cute little bum, which was now striped from a hard caning. Fifty strokes were a lot, but she had demanded severity and I never treated women any differently to men. Upstairs, I pulled back the bed covers and watched as she slid in, shivering slightly as her bare skin touched the cold sheets. I knew those would be smeared with her blood where some strokes had crossed and created a sore spot, but the main thing was for her to settle, get some sleep and for now, sob herself to sleep. I leaned down and kissed Ellie on the cheek, told her to stay in bed like a good girl, then tucked her in before leaving.
She had turned up on my doorstep two hours earlier. Unlike James, I’d known Ellie a long time. A neighbour’s daughter. I’d met her properly quite by chance, it was a long time ago. I’d seen her seated crying on a park bench. Unhappy with her home life, equally unhappy at school, where she was bullied and an under performer. Maths was her problem; I had taught maths myself and I knew there was a myriad of ways of teaching it. I said I might be able to help and if her parents gave their permission, I could give some coaching. So, with that granted, by me visiting the father, who just brushed his hand away towards his daughter as if she were of little importance to him. She arrived on my doorstep after school one evening. Little did I know where this was heading. Best we do not dwell at this stage. Moving along, young Ellie was struggling and mostly because of the cumbersome way she was being taught maths. Seems she was far from alone. I started explaining different ways to solve the same mathematical problems. I suggested she chose the method which best fitted the way her brain operated. She found a way. She immediately improved, but then she came up against stubborn “not invented here” attitudes from her teacher who insisted she did it - his way! I visited the father and suggested he go to the school and sort this idiot out. If not, I would!
Ellie became very good at maths! She excelled. Then one evening arriving home I saw something to my horror which started at the foot of my stairs and trailed all the way up. I followed the items of familiar clothes, all the way to my bedroom and there, laying naked on my bed was an enticingly forbidden Ellie, naked as a newborn baby!
‘I couldn’t think of any way to thank you sir, so…….’
‘Has she gone sir?’ James asked me after I’d unlocked the door where I’d left him to console Ellie. I’m Bill by the way, or William Martin - a little more formally. Both Ellie and James call me sir, although I might stretch the formal nature of my next meeting with Ellie when I join her in bed once I’ve finished with this young man.
‘No, she’s upstairs. I think she’s too upset to travel home alone. If I feel the woman in question is ready to leave after you have departed, I’ll, probably run her home later.’
‘Is she that bad, what did you do to her?’ James asked rather accusingly.
‘I caned her bare buttocks, the same as I’m about to cane yours, what else did you imagine.’ I replied rather irritated.
‘It just doesn’t seem a girl's sort of thing?’ He reacted which ended up with me giving my next victim a long hard look.
‘The stereotypical female, women cook, girls play with dolls. I won’t go into detail James, but that woman was baring her buttocks for the cane at an extraordinarily young age. Undaunted, she still came back for more on numerous occasions. Except for your gender identity, your penis and her vagina, there isn’t too much difference between you two. This way….’ I led James from that room to one which had recently been vacated. On entry the musky scent of a struggling and straining human body of another gender still hung in the air, other scents too. ‘Strip, fold your clothes neatly.’ I turned away, locking the door securely before subduing the lighting to create the more sinister feel a location of corporal punishment application should in my opinion portray.
A sadistic love story with a twist.