‘Vanessa is like me, she draws what I believe are now called life studies. You should see her drawings, they are very detailed aren’t they my darling.’ Laura had had enough and decided to draw a line under proceedings and move the conversation away from the table.
‘It’s a nice day, why don’t we all sit outside, Kellie can help me bring coffee out.’ Everyone started to move, dessert plates were gathered and very little remained on the table as everyone left the room. Inside the kitchen as Laura gathered cups, Kellie had a request.
‘I need the loo, where do I find it?’ Laura stopped what she was doing and turned to face a woman who’d been teasing her ever since she arrived.
‘Why don’t I show you, it’s a little complicated to describe, far easier if you follow me?’ Laura didn’t wait for a reply, she moved off, the coffee could wait. She knew Kellie would follow and when they arrived at a door, third on the left down the corridor, leading from the kitchen, Kellie was slightly puzzled as to what had been so complicated to describe. Laura opened the door and stepped back slightly for Kellie to pass her and enter. As she did, Laura came to life, bundling her tease inside, then closing the door before locking it.
‘If you wanted to watch, you only had to ask Laura.’ Kellie spoke, her eyes wide open in shock.
‘So what part of the body shall we begin with?’ Laura replied, moving in on Kellie gripping both upper arms and launching into a kiss. She forced Kellie back and back until they were stopped by the wall, then when that prevented any further movement, Laura released one hand before stooping and driving it up her guests short skirt and continuing until her hand felt something hot, slippery and very wet. ‘No knickers either Kellie, you really did come prepared.’ Laura still hadn’t finished probing, with her tongue forcing its way into a willing mouth, further south, Laura’s fingers prised Kellie’s other lips apart and ran her finger deep and along before she found her entry point where she pushed it deep and upward.
‘Oh fuck, I never expected this!’ Kellie chuckled.
‘Ah, that’s because you assumed.’ Laura looked into her eyes. ‘What do they say, be careful not to assume, it often ends up making an ass of you and me!’ Kellie responded now, her hands pulled Laura’s skirt up before she too went between willing legs which parted instantly. Kellie spoke now, there was urgency in her voice.
‘Sadly we can’t take this where it needs to go, but if you want to give me the ultimate biology lesson tomorrow come over before lunch and you really will find my front door wide open.’
‘Mum?’ A voice called out.