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The Apprentice by Sadie Stern - a MILF age gap romance - an excerpt.

a MILF age gap romance

‘The kitchen in straight through, I’ll put the kettle on for a nice warm drink unless you fancy something stronger.’ I announced, stepping back to allow Adam to pass after I’d opened up. He shyly looked around, probably wondering where the catch was in the almost idyllic situation, he now found himself in.

‘Mother says alcohol was sinful, the devil at work.’ He remarked as he passed. I smiled.

‘In that case I sin every day then Adam, I sinned earlier this evening, but it was only a glass of Pinot Grigio.’  I changed tack. ‘How old is your mother?’

‘She’s older than you, she didn’t have me until she was 36.’ He replied. That was a bit late in life to be starting a family, unless….

‘No younger brothers or sisters then?’ I hoped she hadn’t continued her belated trend.

‘No, they started and stopped with me. You?’ He asked.

‘I have two younger brothers. Not that I see them often. Weddings, funerals, those times only.’ He took that in while I filled the kettle.

‘Do you regret that?’ I wasn’t quite sure what he meant.

‘Regret not seeing them more often?’ I queried.

‘Yes, I often wonder if I missed out, just being an only child.’

‘In my case no, maybe in your case that might have been the case.’

‘How old are you?’ He asked the inevitable question.

‘Now Adam, one thing you must learn in your forthcoming education is it’s very rude to ask a lady her age. But as I’m no lady I can tell you I am 45 yrs of age.’ I invited him to sit at what was normally the breakfast table.

‘Is that why you invited me here, to educate me?’ If I didn’t know better, I’d have sensed a little wickedness and innuendo in that question.

‘That depends on your choice of subject upon which you’d like enlightenment.’ I wondered if he’d respond to that. He didn’t. I had a question to ask but as it was the weekend start and tomorrow was Saturday, I had to think about how best to continue the conversation.

‘Do you work?’ I asked.

‘No, I’m a full-time student.’

‘Studying what?’ I asked the obvious question.

‘Computer studies, it covers programming and web design.’ I liked that answer.

‘Will your parents worry that you didn’t come home?’

‘They never check, they’ll assume I’ve just vacated the shed when I walk in through the back door.’ I couldn’t believe their indifference.

‘Would you like to stay the weekend?’

‘I don’t want to put you out.’ He resounded.

‘I was driving home having been dumped by a man I thought might have remained part of my life, so I’m not overwhelmed with places to go and people to see.’ I watched as he weighed up the options that produced.

‘What is being dumped mean?’  Wow, the education awaiting this young man was immeasurable.

‘It meant he didn’t want to see me anymore.’ I explained, surprised he hadn’t joined up the dots from my earlier situation report.

‘He must be mad; I’d love to have a friend like you.’

‘Then let’s get to know each other better, shall we?’ He smiled.

‘I’d like that.’

‘So, you haven’t got a girlfriend?’ I asked, my nosy, intrusive nature irresistible.

‘No.’ Shaking his head as he replied.

‘Is that you haven’t got a girlfriend at the moment, you are between girlfriends?’ I knew the answer coming before it arrived, but I had to ask.

‘I’ve never had a girlfriend.’

‘Don’t you like girls, do you prefer boys?’ I’d squeezed the teabag and placed a mug of tea down in front of him.

‘I’m not gay. Girls just don’t seem to like me.’ He reacted, with some emotion.

‘It’s down to self confidence then Adam. You’re talking to me, what’s the difference.’

‘You’re never going to be my girlfriend are you, you’re old enough to be my mother.’ I took that comment like being slapped around the face by a wet fish.

‘You don’t exactly boost a girl’s confidence do you. Maybe you need to meet someone a little assertive and put you to the test.’ I threw down some bait, hoping some might attract the right reaction.

‘Like who?’

‘Have you ever kissed a girl.’ I continued.

‘Of course I have.’

‘Really, describe it.’ I saw real fear show on his face for the first time.

‘I can’t, it was a while back.’

‘Was it a peck on the cheek, or lips. Did you do tongues. Did you kiss her anywhere else?’ I pushed relentlessly.

‘Sorry, I don’t understand.’ I eased back. I realised I might go too far and lose him completely. I felt Adam was ready for his education to commence.

‘Let’s go into the lounge, it’s more comfortable there.’ I suggested, starting to move. Adam remained where he was.

‘I’m fine, honestly.’

‘You might be, but if you want to continue this conversation, you’ll have to join me.’ I got up, and taking my coffee I left the room. Adam had options to consider. Leave and walk the extra miles to his home, stay where he was, or join me.


I placed my coffee down and went to a drinks cabinet and withdrew a bottle of single malt. I brought two glasses to the table. I poured myself a drink and waited. Ten minutes went by, and he hadn’t shown. I hadn’t heard the front door close, so I knew he was in the house. I was determined the next move was his. Eventually, I sensed his presence and when I looked up, he was standing in the doorway.

‘Can I come in and join you?’ He asked.

‘Only if you intend acting your age and not some brat of 14!’ I felt it was time to take the gloves off. He moved closer then hovered. ‘Sit down for goodness' sake I don’t bite.’ I wasn’t convinced that wasn’t true, but where to start was the bigger problem. He went to sit in an adjacent chair. ‘Sit here, next to me.’ I saw him squirm. I felt like a bully but the only way I could see to proceed was to assert my authority. Even now I sensed he wanted to sit as far away as far away as the seating distance allowed. ‘Closer, sit here.’ I finally lost patience and pointed to the spot where I wanted him to sit. He sat nervously but he remained nervous.

‘I’m sorry.’ He finally spoke.

‘Relax Adam, anyone would think you were frightened of me.’ He looked up.

‘I’m not frightened, I’m in awe of you.’ I didn’t expect that. I realised I had to rein in the dominant mood and make myself more alluring.

‘What if I said you are a very attractive young man?’ I asked.

‘Seriously? But you’re old enough to be my mother.’ I didn’t expect that either.

‘Just keep reminding me! You really make a girl feel great about herself don’t you. Maybe this is why girls don’t like you.’ He shrugged. A habit I found annoying.

‘But you’re gorgeous, how could you find me attractive?’

 ‘But I’m still old!’ I snapped, unnecessarily. He didn’t answer. ‘Did you know a woman’s sexual power is at its peak in her forties.’ He shook his head.

‘I had no idea.’

‘Would you like to kiss me?’ I knew this was a point of no return. It was high risk; he might run screaming to the hills.

‘Me?’ I made a point of looking round the room.

‘Unless I’m mistaken it’s just us here, you and me.’ I replied softly. “Come closer, kiss me.’ Slowly Adam leaned forward. He couldn’t reach. ‘You’ll have to come closer, don’t keep a lady waiting Adam.’ He moved a few inches nearer. At this rate I hoped I didn’t die waiting. Finally, I sensed he was within reach of me. He leaned over again and planted a kiss, missing my mouth all together. ‘Did you ever take driving lessons Adam?’ I asked.

‘I’ve never driven a car.’

‘Why aren’t I surprised.’ I remarked. ‘You take driving lessons in the hope that one day you will become competent enough to drive a car. Perhaps you need kissing lessons in the vain hope that one day you might learn to kiss a girl – properly?’ I realised he was embarrassed.

‘You look tired Adam; would you like to go to bed?’ I asked leaning forward and grasping my glass of whisky.

‘But you’re settled here, it’ll disturb you.’ I smiled.

‘That presumes you will sleep here on this sofa?’

‘Aren’t I, that’s what you said earlier - wasn’t it?’

‘Indeed, it was, but that was then, and time has moved on. We’ve got to know each other a little better, haven’t we?’

‘So where am I sleeping tonight?’ He asked.

‘You have a choice Adam, your garden shed, or my bed. You have to choose.’

A MILF age gap romance

Available now on Amazon or D2D



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