Two women, a generation apart in age meet on a train and soon rekindle events which occurred years before when any romance between them would have been strictly forbidden. Both women still have their troubles, and over the course of what remains of that day and especially during one unforgettable night that follows, they rid themselves of guilt and frustration in a display of hot, torrid and often depraved sexual activity. During essential breaks, they both open their hearts to each other in upsetting detail. An age gap romance which will shock the faint of heart.
Depravity on steroids!
Available soon on Amazon and D2D
Read an excerpt.
Carla boarded a train in Edinburgh. The carriage was surprisingly empty as she felt the train pull away. She doubted it will stay that way once she got beyond Newcastle and thence headed across to Manchester via York. This had become a regular trip, although this one is to be her last. She worked in Bath, at the university to be precise. She had been on secondment, filling in at Edinburgh University during a maternity leave vacancy in their Modern English department. She had been offered a job, but Carla, always felt the lure of the South, where what friends she had left lived in the Bristol Bath area, so moving north would have meant starting afresh. She did consider what difference that would make in reality. What friends she had considered to be so, never called. She knew several met up, but she was never on the list of people to call and join them for a girl's night out, a get together.
That was a point though. Her life was a very feminine affair. Few if any men ever featured. Carla was a girl’s girl. There was no room in her life for people of the male persuasion. Was it that? Most of her friends were either married or in a so-called normal relationship. Only one in her group was like herself or so she suspected. Carla had never considered making an approach, while there were risks resulting from “coming out”, making an incorrect assumption a fatal mistake, there was the simple fact of chemistry which had prevented any false approach. Carla just plain didn’t fancy her!
The six-month secondment had given Carla time to reflect. To give her life a review, a long stare. What she saw wasn’t a pretty sight. She realised she had never settled. She was a grass is greener type of person, always crossing from the safety of being settled, even normal, to what so often was an extreme version of contentment. With bridges burned and that green grass having turned brown and dry she had to somehow get back across through the fast-flowing water and take refuge in the simple ordinary, commonplace until the next excitement rush. Wasn’t it time to find someone to put down roots with? That in itself was easier said than done. Wasn’t she running out of options. Hadn’t her friends seen through her. Wasn’t that why they avoided her? But what to do. She had run out of options - hadn’t she.
The impending arrival at York awoke Carla from a brief slumber. The journey from Newcastle had been a mystery. Had she looked she would have passed Anthony Gormley’s Angel of the North with its huge arms outstretched in welcome or was it for her a farewell. By then she was asleep and away with her own angels. The train ground to a halt with a screeching jolt as was expected. It helped to be clinging onto something fixed if you were standing although that didn’t affect Carla who was seated. That brought a concern to her thinking. All this sitting on her arse twice weekly! Ok that was coming to an end but had the damage been done already? Her backside starting to spread, those glutinous muscles, previously her pride and joy, now sagging through lack of exercise. She’d get back to tramping the open plains, maybe get a dog, better still find herself a lover! She’d always been energetic in bed, she just had to find a worthy opponent, someone younger to keep her interested, get her back on her toes – that is when she saw Jade Williams!
The train was on the move again, new arrivals who had boarded the train were moving through the train, seeking a seat which hadn’t been reserved. Jade was doing just that, looking around aimlessly. It was that rather far away detached look which was most noticeable to Carla. Suddenly their eyes met and locked on. Carla had no doubts it was Jade Williams, she sensed Jade wasn’t so sure. After all, hadn’t it been three years since they had last met, with Jade a fifteen-year-old schoolgirl then. Carla smiled; she pointed to a vacant seat in front, which had a table separating it. Jade was holding up the queue, decision time was pressing. She moved on quickly, before squeezing in to the seating area and sitting down. The long stare continued.
‘Long time no see Jade, it is Jade, isn’t it?’ Carla had asked a seemingly stupid question; she knew damned well it was. Jade Williams was uniquely unmistakable.
‘Yes Miss Mason.’ Jade’s reply was submissive which sent a shiver down Carla’s spine, or at least a surprisingly deep voice did.
‘I’m not your teacher now Jade, call me Carla.’ There was continued silence, Carla assumed the air of authority she as Jade’s teacher of English had created would take time to wear off. Mind you, she quite liked the thought of Jade Williams as a willing submissive in her life, if that was possible. ‘Is everything okay, you seem a bit distant, upset even. Is anything wrong?’ Carla probed.
‘Not really.’ Jade replied. That was it, short if not really sweet. The refreshments trolley was approaching.
‘Would you like something, tea, coffee? I don’t think they do anything stronger than a coke!’ She asked Jade who appeared stunned, even in shock.
‘A neat scotch would be nice, but I’ll settle for a tea, milk and no sugar please.’ Jade seemed to be relaxing, settling. That was Carla’s choice too, so ordering was simple with further conversation put in hold while the refreshments were served.
‘Not really sounds ominous. Is it something you might care to share?’ The next question to be asked.
‘I think you are the last person who needs to know what has happened. My parents have washed their hands of me, I’m sure you’ll do likewise if I told you.’ Carla sipped her tea and watched the beautiful young woman facing her do likewise.
‘Has it got anything to do with you boarding a train at York?’ Carla asked, knowing damned well it did.
‘So, you know, you already know? Who told you?” She asked, almost resentfully.
‘I am not Sherlock Holmes Jade, neither am I a mind reader. I had no idea I’d be bumping into you today, a pleasant event I might add, but I have no idea what has happened other than I suspect you appear to be heading home mid-term from York University in your first academic year. Together with your rather upset mood, I suggest there has been a problem.’ Carla went for the meat!
‘If you consider being sent down a problem, then yes, that pretty much covers it!’
‘Sent down? That sounds pretty drastic, what happened?’ Carla asked, gently.
‘I failed my exams. I made no effort and going out getting drunk and drug abuse didn’t help either. The final straw was when a stash of hard drugs was found in my room. I was accused of dealing and that was it! I was stuffed like a fucking turkey!’ Jade shrugged; it was obvious she was beyond caring.
‘Were you?’ Carla asked.
‘Stuffed like a turkey?’ The reply sounded blasé.
‘Don’t be smart Jade, you know what I mean’ The girl bowed her head.
‘I’m sorry, I’m upset.’ Carla pressed.
‘I was given something to look after. I didn’t know what was inside. I didn’t look and i certainly didn’t ask.’ Jade left it there.
‘Maybe leaving isn’t so bad after all. I imagine the owners of the drugs won’t be happy. They will expect you to recompense them!’ Jade nodded.
‘That’s the main reason I’m leaving. The boy who gave me the package to look after has already been beaten up. He blames me.’ She explained.
‘Your boyfriend?’ Carla asked, keen to find out her sexual preference.
‘Hardly! That’s another sore point with my parents. I prefer girls!’ Carla listened in stunned silence. She hoped to not show any reaction on her face. She liked girls too, but only once they’d grown pubic hair! Not that she liked a thick thatch. No, she enjoyed shaving it off!
Truth be known. Carla Mason had a thing about Jade Williams. This was long standing and that thing – those thoughts, were so forbidden they were off the scale. Jade was sex on legs as far as Carla was concerned, but within the confines of a school, where forming any relationship whatsoever was career ending and likely to end up residing in a prison cell for good measure, it had been quickly erased from her mind. Carla now realised this gorgeous creature seated just feet away wasn’t at school now. No school uniform or navy-blue knickers. She stared at jade Williams now and wondered what sort of knickers she now wore. She was sure they’d be brief and unlikely to warm her cheeks.
‘Same sex relationships are pretty commonplace Jade. I certainly won’t be passing judgement.’ Carla replied. Realising her reply had been a long time coming. ‘Anyone special?’ She added.
‘No, I didn’t date while was in York. Everyone is so fucking nosy, it’s impossible to keep anything under your hat at uni.’ Jade replied quickly. ‘Besides I’m looking to meet someone your age Carla.’ Those words sent a shiver down Carla’s back, she’d had those throughout her life. She wasn’t sure but a mini orgasm was high on her list of suspected reactions.
‘You like older women?’ Carla asked to be sure.
‘Yes, I probably shouldn’t tell you this, but I quite fancied you at school.’ The shiver this time really left no doubt as she found herself seated in a sea of arousal.
‘I better not mention the forbidden thoughts I had about you, had I!’ Words just poured out of Carla’s mouth.
‘So, it’s true then?’ Jade asked.
‘What is true?’ Carla pushed the question back.
‘That you are……’ The delay deliberate.
‘Are you asking me if I’m gay?’ Carla helped join up the dots.
‘Well, are you?’ Jade kept the ball in court.
‘Would you like me to be?’ Carla wasn’t ready to concede – yet. The train announcer broke the tension. The train was arriving at Manchester and passengers leaving the train were reminded to collect their belongings and to wait until the train came to a stop. People were standing and ignored the advice. It seemed a mass exodus was under way and any reply Jade gave would now have to wait a while.
‘So, what are your plans, will you go home?’ Carla asked after a while once the train had got going again and the newly arrived passengers had settled.
‘No, I couldn’t stand their low opinion of me. I am not an only child, they have a spare to shower with attention.’ Carla listened and wondered if affection rather than attention was what Jade needed.
‘Where will you go?’ Jade shrugged which was worrying.
‘I’ve got a mate, I’ll see if I can crash out on her sofa for a few days, until I find something more permanent.’ Carla realised how vulnerable she was. A beautiful young woman open to exploitation. Thankfully those within the York drug trade would be unlikely to find her. Not so the case had she remained. She shivered at the thought how she might have paid off her debt.
‘I’ve got a spare room you could use. Somewhere to recover, find your feet and get you back on an even keel?’ Carla suggested, unsure why she had really made the offer.
‘Really, I’ll get a job, I don’t expect you to carry me.’
‘There is plenty I can get you doing to earn your keep, there is no such thing as a free lunch.’ She waited for reaction, but none came immediately. Carla sensed the girl was recovering from the shock. ‘I’ll set some rules, you stick to them, and we will get on fine.’
One Hot Night - depravity on steroids!