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Meet Cerys Hughes- A Cute Nurse Who's had A bit of Bad Luck

She has had bad luck in love

Cerys should have it all, she is cute and feisty with a great career that she loves, wonderful, loyal friends and a healthy dose of sex appeal! Then why has she found herself alone? Again? Why is her partner Jess calling it quits after a year together? Cerys Hughes has been in love, she never has a shortage of willing females to share her bed, but sharing her life? That hasn't been so easy to find, And just when she thought she had found the woman of her dreams she was tragically torn from her life.

She has had bad luck with friends

Her friends are loyal and fun, that is definitely true and she would happily admit that the lines between friendship and lovers have been crossed, often. Especially with her best friends Dommy and Petra but what is an unattached girl to do when she is confronted with passion like those two possess! It's hard to say no to Dommy's probing tongue or Petra's roaming fingers!

But even Cerys will admit that her two best friends do tend to find trouble. Or rather trouble seems to find them. And she is the one constantly being dragged into their antics often with disastrous results. But this last time was maybe too much, even for her.

She has had bad luck with her patients

As a nurse Cerys has seen death, lots of death. But this past year Covid-19 has taken it's toll. On her hospital. On her fellow nurses. On her heart. Her patients are dying at above average rates and now she has a new patient. One she can't bear to lose.

A peek into my new book- the first few paragraphs

Cerys Hughes walked slowly to her car. It was filled to the brim with her belonging. As she reached the drivers side door she turned and looked back at the house where she had lived for just over a year. It was ending and she knew it was most unlikely she would make this journey again and certainly not for the reasons she had before. Cerys knew the house was empty, it’s owner, Jessica Jones had left earlier, purposely deciding not to be around for the last farewell. Cerys decided there was no point in dwelling over what might have been. From a promising start that had been decided over the months that followed her decision to leave the tiny flat she’s occupied with Amy, her lover who had been killed in a fatal accident which had nearly claimed her own life. There she knew lay the issue as she opened the car door and clambered inside, checking her rear view mirror and clicking her seat belt strap. Amy had figured in Jess’s life too, they had also been lovers, why they hadn’t remained so had more to do with Jess than it ever could have been an issue with Cerys. She, together with Amy were strictly girl sort of girls, while Jess liked the involvement of men in her life. There was another greater, more damning factor which had blighted Cerys’s relationship from the very start, that was Cerys’s continued friendship with Petra Larson and more crucially with her partner Jennifer Wallace or Jen as most knew her by. The fact Cerys hadn’t severed those ties had been a source of constant irritation for Jess, who blamed Jen for Amy’s death. By her own admittance she had driven Cerys off the road. A deliberate act with the prime intention of luring Petra back from the US where she was working. It was an extreme act. Amy, who was in the car without her seat belt fitted was thrown out when the car overturned, she was killed instantly. Jess could never forgive that reckless act, although Petra had. There resided the elephant in the room, one which refused to leave. There, as Cerys drove away, casting one final glance at a nondescript semi in a Bath street lay the seeds of destruction which had taken that last year to germinate. The journey was brief. Cerys didn’t shed a tear. That bothered her because she knew she should have, but as the months had passed and relations had deteriorated further following every visit she’d made to see her lifelong friend and sometimes lover Petra, Cerys knew her relationship with Jess was ending. It was just a matter of time. Cerys was thirty six, she was reaching her peak as a woman. She was barely five feet in height and astonishingly beautiful. She’d been Petra’s second longest friend, having met at university. Only one other person alive knew Petra longer and that was Dommy her friend from competition days when both Petra and her tall amazon like friend had met as teenagers and become lovers too. Cerys wondered why she couldn’t sustain a relationship, she had all the assets needed. She had beauty, she had a body most women would die for and a bottom of such sheer perfection both Petra and Dommy had drooled over it for years. She’d had relationships with both but each had foundered. Cerys hadn’t put this down to carelessness, but more due to poor navigation? She hasn’t been reckless, it wasn’t as if she’d chosen to sail down uncharted waters with its shoals and hidden rocks. She knew the waters well, she’d revisited relationships with both women on numerous occasions yet each had ended in the same way. She finally concluded a relationship which was never right in the beginning could never be right longer term. Could repeating the same mistake time and time again be expected to ever have a different result the next time. She now has Jessica Jones to add to her short but poignant list of failure. Cerys arrived at the hospital where she worked as a staff nurse in intensive care. Her flat had long since been rented out, but she wouldn’t have returned. A woman who lived in the flat above had made her feelings clear and wanted more than a neighbour. This woman was a nurse also and while it was impossible to not cross her path when their shifts clashed, she didn’t need the constant pressure of her arriving at her door, now Amy had been taken from her so brutally. With the inevitable writing on the wall with Jess, Cerys had applied and succeeded in renting a flat at the nurses home nearby. At least her trip into work would be brief, and it would be equally so on the return journey after a long night, which had become her preferred option which her relationship at home with Jess had become toxic. Once inside and having unloaded her belongings, Cerys closed the door and after putting on the kettle got ready to go to work.

Fans of the popular Petra Larson Series will remember Cerys Hughes

The friend who was there to help Petra extract revenge on the men who raped her. The friend who held her hand and cried with her when her lover was murdered. The friend who stood by her side at her worst and forgave more than anyone should ever have to. Fans have loved Cerys since the beginning- finally here is HER STORY!


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