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Dominatrix by Sadie Stern Older woman, younger man, erotic romance….

Older woman, younger man, erotic romance

‘What time do you call this?’ I opened the conversation to a very attractive young man for whom his presented images had not done him justice.

‘I’m sorry, my bus was cancelled. I had to wait for the next.’ Had he said he’d missed his bus he’d have been on his way. But he still wasn’t going to get off that lightly!

‘I accept that, things happen. You need to explain why you didn’t phone or text me to say you’d be late. How do you explain that?’ I watched him squirm as realisation took hold.

‘I’m sorry, it slipped my mind.’ He responded. I bristled.

‘I’m not used to being ignored. I expected to be the sole reason you got yourself out of bed today. Every fibre of your being focussed on arriving here today. Yet, it appears I didn’t even register on your radar! Can you give me one good reason why I shouldn’t show you to the door this instant and erase you from my thinking?’ I watched as his discomfort increased.

‘Please don’t, I panicked. My bus didn’t turn up and all I could think about was missing this opportunity. The correspondence I’ve had with you made a big impact on me. I’m very submissive and I need some powerful influence in my life. I need you to provide it. I’m so sorry, I got into a state, and I didn’t think straight. It will never happen again.’ I could see the young man at least twenty years my junior had tears in his eyes. His remorse was quite genuine.

‘Apology accepted. Shall we start again?’

‘Thank you, mistress.’


Five minutes later we were seating in a comfortable lounge. I’d just arrived back after making tea. The boy looked up at me shyly as I placed a brimming mug on a table next to where he was seated.

‘Tell me why you are here? I asked.

‘To please you in any way you choose mistress.’ He replied.

‘I think that sums things up quite nicely, but it lacks detail.’ I responded.

‘Your advert mentions being of service to you. Training to be given. I imagined that provides a wide scope of activities. I assumed you would supply the detail.’ I realised he had no idea. It made me wonder why he was really here.

‘I don’t need a servant or a house boy. I have a woman who comes in weekly to clean and run a duster over the furnishings. I cook, so I don’t need a chef. Does that whittle down the choices left?’

‘I’m not sure.’ He replied.

‘Have you got a girlfriend?’ I asked next.

‘No, I’ve never had one. I’m very shy. I don’t think girls are interested in me.’ That surprised me.

‘Have you ever kissed a girl? Dare I suggest a boy even.’ He shook his head.

‘Neither mistress.’

‘So, you are a virgin. A total novice?’ He looked down, I could see he was embarrassed.

‘I guess so.’

‘You guess so? I think anyone would be able to answer that question. Are you a virgin, yes, or no?’

‘Yes mistress.’ Perfect. I wanted someone untouched by human hand. Or at least just his own.

‘Do you masturbate?’ Another question to make him squirm.

‘No mistress. I was told masturbation was self-abuse and was sinful.’ I held back a smile. Sin was going to be a big feature in his life quite soon.

‘How did you feel about providing the images I requested. Those of you naked?’

‘Hard mistress. I found it hard.’ I smiled thinly, recalling he had an erection, I wondered how hard that was.

‘Do you feel you are different to other boys your age?’

‘I don’t see myself as a boy. I am officially a man now.’ It wasn’t the question I asked.

‘Tell me how you define the difference between a boy and a man, removing age from the equation?’

‘I think it is mainly about maturity.’

‘Did you consider yourself mature. A virgin, I doubt you have worked. You’ve never had sex; you live at home with your parents. You do not masturbate. I suggest you lack maturity and for that reason you are still a boy, and I shall treat you as one. Do you understand?’ I had raised my voice.

‘Yes mistress,’

‘Take your clothes off.’ He looked back stunned.

‘What now?’ He asked.

‘No, next week! Of course, now.’ I replied sharply.

‘Everything?’ I was losing patience.

‘Yes, everything. I need to see you naked!’ I watched as Adam stood, shocked at my request.

‘Part of your training is obedience. You are not doing very well so far, are you? Perhaps you aren’t suitable after all. That’s a shame, of the three I have chosen to interview, my hopes were pinned on you.’ I went to stand, I needed to indicate the session was at an end.

‘Okay, okay, please. This is very new to me. I’m not used to undressing in front of people. I’m rather shy.’ He bleated; I retook my seated position and sat back to watch this half boy, half man disrobe in front of me.

‘Leave your underwear until last. I think the wait will be worthwhile and indeed, I might unveil your cock myself. It’s a rather nice example, wouldn’t you agree?’ I asked.

‘I wouldn’t know, I haven’t seen any others with which to compare.’ I smiled.

‘Oh, believe me, I have. I shall be the judge. Start with your shirt, but I haven’t got all day!’ He’d already removed his jacket which he folded and lay on the chair he’d been seated in. He then started to unbutton his shirt, slowly, one button at a time. I would have preferred he looked at me, I wanted to see defiance, something I could use later when we discussed discipline. He was open at the front now and after loosening the belt of his trousers he pulled out the shirt tails and let the garment slip off, leaving him stripped to the waist. He was hairless. I wondered about further down. I somewhat doubted Adam was a hairy boy, this suited me as I hated bodily hair. The trousers came off next, then after his shoes and socks followed suit, he was how I wanted him. ‘Come here.’ I instructed him.

‘Yes mistress.’ He answered. He’d picked up that respectful means of address. I’d given him no such instruction, I imagined he’d worked out for himself what I’d expect from him. He moved forward. His erection behind white Y fronts looked impressive. A tent pole came to mind as a comparison.

‘Do you get erect a lot?’ He nodded. I noticed a wet patch showing through the material. He was aroused. ‘You see, this doesn’t really add up. You arrive here with a hard on, yet you say you do not masturbate, and you’ve never had a relationship either way? Why are you erect. What are you thinking about?’ He looked up and our eyes met. I was going to prolong his discomfort until the unveiling took place.

‘Nothing in particular mistress, it just happens.’ He replied.

‘So, how does it feel, do you have an urge to touch it, or have it touched?’ I raised the tempo.

‘Sometimes mistress.’

‘Like this?’ I raised my hand and felt it’s tip through the wet patch. I watched him shiver and I sensed his cock got harder.

‘That’s nice mistress.’

‘You like it then?’

‘Yes mistress, a lot.’

‘Are you sure you don’t touch yourself? You wouldn’t lie to me would you, thinking I’m a fool!’

‘No mistress, I’d never lie to you.’ He replied looking at me. I saw truth in those eyes.

‘Never lie to me Adam. If you do, I’ll beat you severely!’ I now saw fear. I continued. ‘Today is just an interview. A selection process. I didn’t plan for very much to happen, but I can’t see how we can proceed without having a closer look at what you have hidden away here do you?’ I’d only seen a photo of his lovely cock; I wanted the see the real thing.

‘If it will assist my application, I don’t think it can do any harm mistress, do you?’ I smiled at his almost childlike innocence.

‘You are asking me?’ I couldn’t resist stroking the beast now.

‘You have to do what you feel is right mistress.’

‘Oh, don’t worry, I know what the right course of action is young man. Let’s have a look at him, shall we?’ He didn’t answer but stood up straight with his arms down either side. I lifted my arms to his elasticated waist band and stretching this I gently eased his pants down over his erect member until it stood to attention ready for inspection. ‘Oh, my word you are a big boy aren’t you.’ I spoke in anticipation, licking my lips at the prospect of what lay ahead.

‘I’ve never compared Mistress, so I am unable to judge. I assumed all men had them that size?’ He replied, so naïvely.

‘Oh, trust me Adam they do not, yours is definitely in the premier league. My issue, assuming you end up being my house boy is deciding what to do with it, where it needs to go. Having said that, I have some ideas, but sadly those are not for proceeding with today. Come closer!’ I grasped his thick erect cock and drew him in. I was seated so my face was on the same level. I noticed the end was wet, there was a string of mucus forming a drip and I was tempted to merely stick my tongue out like a snake and stop it in its tracks before it started to stretch any further. Instead, I wrapped it around my index finger and licked it dry, much to the horror shown on his face. ‘Oh, you have no idea what is going to happen to you if I make you, my choice. Turn around and bend over, let’s insect your rear.’ I sensed the boy had settled. His nervousness far reduced to that which had followed my instruction to strip. He turned, opened his legs and bent forward.


I’m in the kitchen now. I’d closely inspected his bottom, stroking and gripping his firm cheeks. It was a change from the flabby examples I normally faced before I selected a suitable cane and inflicted the corporal punishment, they had paid me to administer. I did wonder whether I’d put some stripes on those cheeks at some stage. I felt it was probably inevitable. His balls hung nicely, soft and squidgy. So far, never have been emptied of cum. If chosen, that would soon change. They would be draining and refilling like a toilet cistern! I parted his cheeks and looked at his pink vent which was situated deep in the cleft which separated him equally. Inspection over, I patted that naughty bottom and told him to get dressed and to join me for a light lunch. Now was the time to explain his role in this house, if chosen - his duties.

‘You have applied for training; but training for what? I need to ensure you understand your role should I choose you.’ I started as soon as food was served. My own meal was extra light. What was best described as middle age was approaching and I was aware I had a body most women would die to own. I knew men desired me and most men wanted to take me to bed and fuck me. I intended keeping myself as near perfect as possible for as long as I could. I had a vigorous exercise routine which kept my buttocks tight, my thighs free of cellulite, my small breasts firm too. It seemed Adam had never seen a naked woman, let alone touched one. There was only one barrier preventing that first woman being me and he was due to arrive in just over two hours.

‘Your role is simple young man. All you have to do is please me!’ I summarised.

‘I’ll do my best mistress.’

‘Oh, I expect better than that Adam, I demand it. I keep myself in tip top shape for those who admire me. Describe what you see? I’m extremely vain so do not hold back on your descriptive excesses.’ I put the next stage of the conversation firmly into his lap.

‘You are very beautiful, mistress.’ I yawned, patting my mouth to express boredom.

‘Clichés Adam. I am demanding out of bed; you have no idea what I’m like in bed. I expect more than that. Describe my beauty, be bold!’ I saw him gulp like a beached fish.

‘You have delicate facial features, fragile as Dresden china. High cheekbones. Beautiful brown eyes which melt my heart. Your rosebud lips I yearn to kiss. That is only your face, there is so much I cannot see.’ He stopped and looked at me.

‘Oh my god, where did that come from. Continue, only this time describe what you can’t see, use your imagination – fully!’ I was astounded. My final appointment was going to have to go some to beat this boy.

‘My eyes see through your clothing, your narrow waist which separates your narrow hips and tiny breasts, small can be good mistress. Your derrière is delicious, curvaceous, and naturally pert and stylish. My asset was unveiled just now, yours awaits. I describe perfection mistress.’ He stopped. I was speechless.

‘That was astonishing. Why haven’t you expressed your descriptive talent before?’ I asked as I sat back in awe.

‘I have been trained in other ways too mistress. I am an artist, a poet, and a writer. I am made a figure of fun by most I meet. You are uniquely different. I felt I could express my truth to you.’ Somehow, I wasn’t surprised. I’d seen his sensitive side ever since he’d first entered. Now, having invited him to be expressive, he had. I felt almost tearful.

‘An artist, I like the sound of that. Perhaps you would like to paint me, express yourself in whatever media you prefer? What is yours Adam?’ I asked.

‘Oils mistress. I can take my time and change my mind if I do not like where I’ve been. Scrape off paint and start over. You cannot do that with watercolours and acrylic. I’d love to paint that which I cannot see.’ Our time was drawing to a close. I wondered if I could give my next applicant, the last, a fair hearing. I’d have to try because he might well be full of hope, and he deserved my full attention.

‘Your interview is over Adam. That you for showing me your talent, part of which is your beautiful body. I now have the difficult task of interviewing your only competitor. Fortunately for you, I have already seen you and the depths of offerings you bring. If your competitor is chosen, he will be a worthy winner. Thank you for attending and I wish you a safe journey home.’ I saw sadness in Adam’s face. I think he saw something he didn’t expect in me. I hated him to leave with so much uncertainty hanging over his narrow shoulders.

‘I wish him well. It would be remiss of me to not wish him luck.’ He replied.

‘He’ll need a lot more than luck, take my word on that.’ He then asked me a question I imagined he’d ask.

‘When will you know. When will I know?’

‘Tonight, Adam, can I call you?’

‘Can I call you, it’s awkward at home. I can’t guarantee who will answer and what reaction you’ll get.’

‘Call me at eight.’ With that he left. Walking away all forlorn. I imagined he was wondering if this was the last time, he’d step foot on my property. I dreaded that thought too but I’d started this process of elimination and I had to see it through.

‘Until eight then?’


Older woman, younger man, erotic romance….


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