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Confessions of a Pain Slut continued

My name is Sadie, that is Sadie with an E, which means explicit! I write books on sensitive subjects other authors shy away from. I write how it is! There is a saying - write about what you know. Most can’t do that because they haven’t been where I’ve been or met the people I have. How can events be described better than those lived or experienced? That is what I describe in words, that’s is what I write about.

My blog today is a continuation of Confessions of a Pain Slut. It follows on from a chance meeting with Mistress Annette, a meeting I found later had little to do with chance. I had been chosen. If you recall, we met in a Bath coffee house and a few days later I found myself in her house. I knew what I was getting into, not the detail of course but I knew enough to know I was walking into dangerous territory but I craved the excitement that would bring. The first visit was a taster, the starter before the main meal arrived. That moment arrived at precisely 14.00hrs the following Saturday as I arrived on her doorstep, dressed simply, which I took to mean minimally, with an overnight bag which also contained the diary I’d been given to complete. I was taken to the living room and seated on a plush sofa. Annette left me alone while she brought tea on a tray, no mugs with tea bags hanging by a string, but a full blown bone china teapot with matching cups. Everything is done properly here! She explained. I imagined it was and that included what was going to happen to me.

As well as tea, which she told me to make myself useful and pour, Annette had brought a clip board and pen and soon proceeded to question me. How old was I? Well five years ago I was 33 so that means I am now approaching 40 as I write this. It seemed she kept a file on her……? That was a point, what was I to her, a client? But didn’t clients pay? I had not been asked to part with money – yet? Was she performing a service, or doing this for mutual satisfaction. I was quickly rebuked for not paying attention and she had to repeat her next question about my health. Did I suffer from any heart disorder, epilepsy. Was she fearful I’d drop dead during one of her sessions – whatever that entailed?

Then more familiar questions followed. Has I ever received any form of corporal punishment? The answer was simple – no! A slap round the back of my legs was about all I could recall from my mother. Then a disclaimer, a statement that I voluntarily entered whatever we engaged in by mutual consent. I signed it and that was over!

My diary came next and I watched her face darken as she turned the page to Wednesday, it darkened further on reaching Friday. Hadn’t she expressly forbidden me to masturbate and yet I’d disobeyed. This was made worse by the fact I’d done it twice and especially the night before we were due to meet. She got up and left the room, returning with a cane which she leaned against the wall in full view. I recall shivering. I’d barely been smacked, yet it seemed I was to be flogged with a cane, just like that girl I’d seen in a photo lying face down on the bed. Annette took the tray with its contents back to the kitchen returning and closing the door. She told me to stand, I did so. This was followed by a chilling instruction to strip! I hesitated, which caused her to repeat the command but this time much louder. I wasn’t wearing much, just three items of clothing and that included shoes. I was soon naked. She seated herself and invited me to stand in front of her. To part my legs and place my hands on my head. She tugged my pubic hair and said this would have to come off, then her hand went between my legs and her fingers probed between my vaginal lips and she entered me. Annette knew I was no longer a virgin, she’d asked and this fact had been recorded. Next I had to turn around and after opening my legs wider I had to bend down with my fingers touching the plush carpet. I opened up like a split fig! She continued her work on my vagina, seeking my clitoris which she teased, causing my knees to droop. She then slid a slippery finger through my wetness and transferred to to my anus which she entered too. The woman I’d met by chance in a coffee house just a week later had her finger up my arse! Unbelievable!

I was now told to get across her lap. She said I was now going to be spanked, but just as a taste of things to come. I looking with dread at the cane! It seemed it was all going to happen here in this very room. So, my yearning to be placed in such a position and to receive inflicted pain was about to commence for the first time in my life. I always anticipated it would have been a man who carried it out but instead it was to be a woman. I imagined I was also to share her bed later and I wasn’t sure how I felt about it. One thing I knew for sure was I wasn’t going to prevent it taking place. I turned and leaning forward, I placed myself across the flowery dress covered lap which presented itself to me. I wriggled forward until my hands rested on the carpet and waited.

Sadie Stern. Confessions of a Pain Slut


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