Rhona’s sexual preference are women. In her 40s, she offers strict, disciplinary guidance to younger women needing direction and purpose in their lives.
Jasmine a wayward girl, is nearing her 18th birthday. After a scrape with the police, her parents are throwing her out, they have had enough of her troubling behaviour. In a magazine, Jasmine sees the services offered by a local woman and makes contact. Rhona and Jasmine meet, they get on and the older woman offers Jasmine a room in her home. This is the start of a hot steamy romance but not until Jasmine reaches age of consent. Everything leads up to a birthday neither will forget. Dark secrets unfold, and Jasmine’s past comes back in an unexpected way. Sadie Stern, writing in her usual no holds barred way, where nothing is left unexplored.
An excerpt;
Jasmine was in her bedroom when she heard her phone ping. She had been anxiously waiting to see if she received a return call after replying to an advertisement she saw in a magazine; it was the banner headline which attracted her. It asked its reader if they lacked discipline and positive direction in their lives. Jasmine knew she was in desperate need of both having been told to find somewhere else to live by the end of the month. She sat and stared at the phone, too frightened to open up the message and read it. What if it was a rejection. Jasmine got off the bed and walked to her window. She looked out. A young woman of similar age was leaving her house to walk into town. Jasmine had once considered her to be a friend, but after a stupid dare went wrong, and she got caught shoplifting, the girl had dropped their friendship on the instruction of her parents who saw Jasmine as trouble and a bad influence. She knew just staring out of the window was an excuse. The real cause of her procrastination was lying on the bed behind her. It was time to look and find out who had contacted her.
Dear Jasmine,
Thank you for replying to my advisement. You didn’t mention your specific age which has placed me in a difficult situation. My disciplinary methods are very specific even though I didn’t outline them. As a result, I have to be certain you are of legal age before I can proceed. Therefore, I suggest I meet you, whereupon we can discuss this matter further to see if the service I offer is appropriate for you. I know you are local because of the advertisement catchment area. Therefore, I suggest you propose a meeting place and time, and we can meet. I will need your proof of age.
Best wishes,
Rhona x
There was a kiss on the end. A kiss! That meant more to Jasmine than anything. She was starved of affection and even the smallest gesture meant everything.
It was just after 11am when Rhona entered a park. It was a meeting place Jasmine had suggested just out of town. It appeared she lived surprisingly close to herself, which was a good thing in some ways, but not so good in others. She also wondered about the wisdom of such a location to meet with the British weather so unpredictable. There was a lake at its centre of the park with seating at regular intervals. Jasmine said she would be seated at one of them. Entering, Rhona had a choice, to turn left, or right? She chose the latter direction and walked along a gravel path, watching as ducks squabbling over bread being thrown by a child seated in a pushchair. Then she saw a young woman ahead. There were precious few other people around and seeing a lone seated figure, that had to be a clue – surely?
‘Jasmine?’ Rhona spoke enquiringly as she got closer.
‘Yes, that’s me, I guess you must be Rhona?’ She replied slightly nervously.
‘That’s correct. It’s nice to put a face to a name.’
‘Likewise.’ Jasmine continued the rather stiff formal conversation.
‘You don’t look like a naughty girl in need of discipline.’ Rhona decided to change that with a groundbreaking personal approach.
‘I’m not, but my actions are.’ Rhona sensed defiance.
‘Shall we walk? It’s not that warm, I don’t wish to freeze my arse off sitting on a park bench.’ Rhona continued.
‘I was going to suggest a bar in town, but I didn’t think it was likely to be the sort of place you’d hang out.’ Rhona took that as a challenging remark.
‘So, you’ve already labelled me as a snob.’ She reacted. ‘At least that might have given me a clue as to your age, although I suspect you’ve been entering bars for some time?’ Jasmine was on her feet now. She was around five eight and slim, she wore tight jeans, and she had an arse Rhona considered worth smacking.
‘I’m 17, 18 in three weeks.’ Jasmine had seen the question in her remark and supplied an answer Rhona suspected was true. ‘Do you require proof; I’ve brought my birth certificate.’ Rhona shook her head.
‘No, that won’t be necessary, but should we proceed with what I had in mind Jasmine, you will pay a heavy price if I later found out you had lied.’ They started walking together and Jasmine asked the inevitable question.
‘What have you got in mind?’
‘That young lady lies within the wording of my advertisement. Instilling discipline and positive direction. You spoke of needing both. I have ways of fulfilling that.’ Rhona explained without detail.
‘And lying fits in where?’ Jasmine turned and looked at the woman beside her who had stopped and was looking back at her and making direct eye contact.
‘That, Jasmine comes under the mantel of trust. Normally I would be dealing with a woman older than you. Sometimes these women are as old as me, occasionally older too. They choose to be someone younger. They often dress to fit that age. It is always a business transaction. They arrive and pay me to punish them. They often bring a list of misdeeds which I read while they change from their everyday clothes into whatever attire suits their desire. Most end up across my knee with their knickers pulled down. I smack their bare bottoms – hard! Lying is often shown on that list.’ Rhona watched as shock and amazement was displayed on Jasmine’s face.
‘Wow, that’s kinky!’ She replied.
‘So, you are already suggesting I am a pervert?’ Rhona asked without a hint of a smile.
‘Oh God no! I love the idea. Do you plan to smack my bottom?’
‘No Jasmine, I plan to cane yours!’ Rhona replied creating further shock.
‘Definitely, I think you need a good thrashing. It’s a great grounding mechanism. You’ve been allowed to get away with far too much for way too long. That all changes if you link up with me.’ Rhona moved on and left Jasmine to catch up. When she did, Rhona made a suggestion.
‘Let’s go to this bar you mentioned, that one I’m far to snobby to enter!’
‘Okay.’ Jasmine linked arms and led the way.
Jasmine's age gap birthday celebration...