An excerpt.

I was tired, but although I’d had a hectic day and evening was drawing in, I wasn't ready for bed. I fed Jake then went outside to the sauna and switched it on. Back in the kitchen Jake had nearly finished eating and while he did so I found a chilled bottle of my favourite Australian Chardonnay. Opening a cupboard, I selected a wine glass ready to fill and take outside after I had changed out of my travelling clothes. I went upstairs and turned on my bedside light. I quickly stripped off my clothes and found a towelling robe to wear from the house to the sauna a just few yards away. That was just one thing I missed about the apartment I had once owned. There I could undress in my bedroom and walk naked to the huge wet room which not only housed my sauna but boasted a big walk-in shower and a jacuzzi.
Jake had settled back onto his bed as I left the house. I locked up, taking no chances after the threats Giles Pilkington had made. I quickly reached the sauna, opened the door, and walked inside into stifling heat and humidity. Once inside I slid the bolt across and removed the towelling robe. Now I was inside I wished I’d brought a book. Normally I shared a sauna with someone, and conversation quickly flowed once shyness and the awkwardness of being naked in the presence of another person had worn off. I knew there was plenty to reflect upon and while I would have preferred someone to share this with, at least I had a bottle of good, chilled wine to keep me company instead. I placed the bottle down and made ready to leap up onto the bare wooden slats when she heard a noise - tap - tap - tap. At first, I assumed it was the wood expanding in the heat, it often did. When, after a short period the sound was repeated, I knew someone was knocking on the door. My initial reaction was to be wary. I had made a powerful enemy, and it was anyone's guess who might be outside, ready to attack with a club, or possibly something viciously sharp. I quickly retrieved my dressing gown and tied the belt tightly around my slim waist. I parted my legs, planting my rear leg with my foot sideways to give additional purchase on the wooden floor. I clenched my fist, ready to strike forward, to smash bone in a nose, or strike at the throat to debilitate and allow a further attack to the solar plexus or even strike with the foot at an unguarded kneecap - all done in seconds. I slid back the bolt and waited for whoever was outside to open the door and show themself. When the door did open that person was the last person I had expected.
'Ella, what are you doing here?' I asked. Of course, I knew why Ella was there! I felt an itch between my legs, not a real itch, but something rather indefinable was doing the itching. That same something, a gremlin, was now sitting on my right shoulder putting wicked thoughts into my head. Drop your gown then drag her in. Bolt the door behind her - let her know there is no escape! Rip that silly, bunny rabbit tee shirt off her back - she'll have nothing on underneath! Pull down those tiny shorts - she won't have anything on underneath those either! She knows why she has knocked on my door. Teach her a lesson, put her over my knee and spank her hard. Make her cry, then stand her in the corner with her hands on her head!
Thankfully, reason sat on her other shoulder competing for her attention. This told me another story altogether. Ella was only a child really - a misguided, silly girl with a crush. The itch meanwhile told me to forget that. Make her stand and display her red bottom while I gazed down from the top shelf of my sauna and sipped wine while the girl tried to rub her stinging cheeks - leave them or I'll make them redder!
'I needed to see you, Miss Larson.' I could see that, otherwise she wouldn't be standing there.
'Its late Ella, I've had a very tiring day, I'm about to have a sauna - look come inside, at least shut the door and keep the bloody heat in!' Ella complied. She stepped forward, closed the door and I noticed the girl had pulled the bolt back across. This wasn't right. I knew Ella Whatshername, had only just turned seventeen. She was still attending the local school and she was barely of legal age for sex. The police had only just departed for fuck’s sake! What if her father had followed her and he started to bang on the door and demanded entry? There couldn't be a more compromising situation; a fully grown semi naked woman, just wearing a towelling robe and a scantily dressed schoolgirl wearing - anybody's guess underneath a silly tee shirt and a pair of shorts a size too small for her plump little bottom. I decided there was only one course of action I could take. Switching off the sauna (which was fucking annoying), I collected my slightly less chilled Chardonnay and with a curt nod of my head indicated to Ella it was time we both returned to the cottage. I was seething as I locked up and strode ahead to open up. Once inside, I told Ella sharply to take a seat and wait until I put on some clothes. Maybe the gremlin was right, the girl needed a bloody good hiding first and then she would have had something painful to sit on while she waited!
When I returned Ella was still seated where she was before going upstairs. I had found the clothes I had worn earlier that day in the laundry basket and put them back on - at least for now, if daddy did knock on the door to find out why his daughter wasn't at home doing her homework, he wouldn't jump to the obvious conclusion.
'Okay Ella, this better be good. I'm really pissed off. I am totally knackered - what is so important that it couldn't wait until tomorrow?' I noticed Ella was now crying which made things even worse. My mind went back to the comments I had made earlier to Clive, about the attraction I seemed to create, exclusively from women, even schoolgirls!
'I wanted to talk to you. I didn't go in today; I was too upset.' I knew that already, but I didn't know why, then an uncomfortable thought occurred to her.
'Where do your parents think you are Ella? It's almost dark outside, won't they be worried?' I pressed the girl who still looked distraught.
'I usually go for an evening run, I'm a bit behind tonight, running late.' In shorts like those I'd say so - I smiled to myself. I pulled a tissue from a box, then crouching down which made my knees crack, I wiped her facial cheeks and gently squeezed her cute little nose to remove an accumulation of snot; then I dabbed her eyes. I looked at the girl - now a desirable young woman. Dommy wouldn't have hesitated. She was there for the taking, I knew my bed was not far away and it would be an experience which wouldn't come my way too often. Ella wouldn't need any persuading either. That itch was back and the gremlin too!
'Let me drive you home - come on Jake, you too. I'll let you have a little run when we get back.' In less than five minutes we were on the move, and I could see Jake's black head in her rear-view mirror as I reversed out of the garage. Ella sat beside me, still visibly upset and she hadn't spoken further.
'Why are you so upset Ella, do you feel I have just rejected you in some way?' I felt I had to try and put the girl down gently, assuming that was the cause of the upset which had obviously plagued her all day.
'In a way.' She answered, then she expanded on her feelings. 'Jemma has gone, we fell out recently and she has been horrible to me ever since.' I sensed this was only half the story and soon the floodgates opened. 'I like you too Petra, I know you said we weren't to call you by your first name, but you are everything I want to be. I sense you like me too. You speak to me more than the other girls, so I thought you felt the same way about me?' There, it was out in the open. Rejected by Jemma Pilkington and now rejected by me. No wonder she was confused and upset. We had reached the main road and Ella started to call out the directions.
'I know about you and Jemma. She is unhappy too Ella, not with you personally, but about things at home which is why she left. I know who she's gone with so you can be assured Jemma is quite safe. I don't know where she has gone but trust me, she will be well looked after by my friend Dommy who will teach her a lot about life and give her an opportunity to learn some amazing skills. She is older than you Ella, her time was right. You and me? You know I can't Ella. You are a sweet, beautiful girl and you wanting to be me, or even like me is such an amazing compliment. I don't want you to be a carbon copy Petra Larson, I want you to be an original Ella - see, I don't even know your surname?' I paused and waited for the reply which came quickly.
'Jarvis - Eloise Jarvis, I prefer just plain Ella though.' She smiled which pleased I and lightened the sombre mood.
'As I said, I want an original Eloise Jarvis, not a clone of me okay. I knew you had a crush on me, and I know I spent a lot of time with you at the stables Ella, but I was shy, and I felt unwelcome. I needed a friend, and you were there, and I really appreciated your humanity. Of course, I'm very fond of you sweetheart and you will always be a bit more special than the other girls, but not in that way, okay?' We had reached a large house and as they approached a man and a woman rushed out to meet us.
'Come over and see me tomorrow after the rush, we'll take Jake for a walk, and we can have a longer chat - okay.' I touched the girl's bare leg then wished she hadn't - surely the girl was confused enough already.
An erotic lesbian romance story
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